August Alignment 888

We're about to enter the magical "8" month of August ... as we head into the 888 Lion's Gate Peak.

The Lion’s Gate opened on July 26th and because 2024 is an ‘8’ year the 8/8 peak becomes a powerful and auspicious 888 portal.

Every year this Lion’s Gate period offers an opportunity to spiral up spiritually ... and this year it's "on steroids".

The cosmic events we've already moved through in 2024 have set the scene for this potent 888 manifesting opportunity.

Are you ready to make the most of this super special month ?

A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.

A wonderful way to begin, resume or enhance your daily practice,

and discover more about the time we are in.

ALL done in your own time ... with everything you need provided.


Throughout August we'll tune in to each special date and cosmic event as we consciously ALIGN each and every day.

We'll be traveling under the sign of Leo ... ruled by the Sun.  And at this time of the building "Solar Maximum" we can expect the solar activity to be sooooo powerful as unprecedented levels of light flow in through this portal.

With so much shifting around us (it can feel quite chaotic at times), commitment to a regular Alignment practice is not only comforting, but is a powerful key to help us to feel our way into this new state of being.

You'll feel so supported and SO GOOD.


We'll cover the  Solar Maximum and Flares, Big Picture Events, Astrology, Numerology ... as well as all the details about the big events of August including the Lion's Gate.

Oooh there's so much exciting news to share but we have the whole month to do it .... so please join us ...

This information is aimed at all levels ... and the meditations and tools are simple but powerful.


Here's a bit more about ...

August Alignment 888

What's it all about ?

This month long journey is a super easy "challenge" to join as everything is done in your own timing.

You'll receive a daily email from me ... these "light activated" messages will be written in realtime and focused on the energies of the day as well as an alignment theme (think Attraction, Awakening, Ascension, Appreciation, Attraction, Abundance ... and so much more) AND you'll receive everything you need to commit to your own daily alignment practice.

Lots of recorded meditations will be provided along the way ... as well as other tools you can utilise as needed.

If you enjoy my free meditations you'll love this process but you're certainly able to use personal meditations that work for you if you prefer.

You need as little as 15-20 minutes a day ... and you'll be so very glad you put the time aside.

We go for the whole of August because there are so many important cosmic events.

You'll also get to attend some LIVE zoom sessions should you choose to ... for the 888 Lion's Gate in two timezones. All recordings will be placed in your online area if you can't be there live.

And ... we have a couple of group options for accountability ... you can opt to be part of those if you wish. It's always lots of fun to be on the journey with others.

SO ...

If you'd love to join me ... and a welcoming resonant group ... you're warmly invited. There's (honestly) never been a better time to ALIGN and I'll be on the journey with you all the way.

There are already some beautiful "aligning" meditations waiting for you in our online area.


To join August Alignment 888 for $49 USD Please Click Here .


If you'd like to add a 90 minute personal session with me at a special price
(total investment for course and session $160)
Please Click Here .



What People are Saying About recent
Alignment Journeys


"Feeling so much appreciation and abundance. I am just loving the daily emails."

"Alignment certainly attracts more and more to simply appreciate more and more. I feel truly blessed from this past xx days, it has all been amazing. So much growth and expansion"

"I felt significant changes with the momentum of the xx days, and know that how I felt and managed to deal with some of the life situations during that period and after were a direct result of my alignment. Magical and profound."

"I can't give this up ... this has now become my new habit!! I'm so full of gratitude to Julie and everyone who shared this alignment journey."

"I am very excited ... and can’t wait to get my groove back on... . So very much looking forward to the group connection and commitment as it brings so much to my practice."

"The gentle power of Julie Ann’s voice has guided me through these daily meditations so that when I am finished, I can start my day with joy, compassion and gratitude... "

"I highly recommend Julie Ann’s courses and meditations for those who seek to improve or find their spiritual fullness. She is a compassionate spiritual leader and in my opinion a true messenger of Divine Love and Light...."

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