Living Light - The August Gateways

Practical Tools for Magical Times


The Planetary New Year is here in this 10/1 Year

And now we enter the New Earth Cycle via the powerful August Gateways


There are times that just feel destined … like markers ... where we decided to meet up and move forward with soul family.

And this coming passage is one of them.


Maybe you're feeling the call of your soul at this most pivotal passage since December 2012.


This is a time when we get to begin creating/grounding the world of our dreams.


The energies will be powerful over the coming weeks as we navigate the Lion’s Gate, 2 eclipses, and multiple retrogrades ...


... and as you know, incoming energies can be challenging to navigate. BUT if we consciously work with these gateways there is the potential for huge positive transformation at both personal and planetary levels.


It's possible to be the calm in the storm, and to hold loving space for those around you as you receive the blessings of this momentous time.


With that in mind, over the coming 3 weeks I'd love you to join me for this live (and recorded) online series where we’ll consciously journey through these gateways together. You'll be connected with a supportive, resonant group throughout the the series (and beyond).

We’ll be beginning on the Lion’s Gate Power Date 8/8 (the evening of the 7th in the US), and meeting weekly at the same time for the following 2 weeks.


And we’ll be aligning with the major events of August… 


Session 1 – Lion’s Gate Peak and Lunar Eclipse

Session 2 – Mid-Eclipse Passage and Mercury Retrograde just beginning

Session 3 – Total Solar Eclipse (aka the Great American Eclipse)

Plus a Bonus session timed for European participants.


You'll be right where you need to be energetically to receive the blessings of this time and will be opening to a wealth of personal guidance and connection from your own guides re your own path forward.

Living Light - The August Gateways

Yes, I'm in !!

If much of THIS resonates you're going to love this soul connected series:


  • are strongly feeling the calling of this time and these gateways
  • are (really) tired of being bowled over by incoming energy waves :)
  •  feel called to work with these gateways at the highest level
  • are sensitive/empathic
  • are ready to step more fully into your own flow of guidance and purpose
  • are poised to finally manifest the life of your dreams
  • wish to receive the gifts of these incoming energies
  • would love to learn some powerful new energetic tools
  • would benefit from being in a supportive, fun, soul-connected group energy
  • are looking for resonant soul family 
  • get goosebumps reading this (always a good sign right ?)  


Our series of online calls will align with all the major events of August and we’ll stay strongly connected in between via our online area and facebook group.


The sessions will be a combination of up to date information about the energy gateways with powerful alignments/activations and practical tools.
The sessions will leave you feeling centred, loving and empowered.


When a soul-aligned group gathers, magic happens. We feel so much better, we hold space for each other to receive and we remember we are not alone on our journey.


This live audio series is available via web or phone. We will be using the “GoToMeeting” system. There’s also an online chat feature so the group can communicate in real time.


We have a “secret” facebook group where we’ll be sharing information and experiences 24/7. And of course supporting each other.


All the sessions are recorded and you’ll end up with a series of powerful tools you can keep for life. So even if you’re in a different timezone or unable to be online for the sessions you can still participate.


There will also be at least one bonus call in a timezone that works for Europe (the time will be determined by the group).

 All sessions will run for 60-90 minutes. See below for the exact dates and times.


As well as working with the alignments, we’ll be playing with some practical tools that will be invaluable in this new cycle.  
In particular we’ll be learning more about the capabilities of our Lightbody/Merkaba/Torus.
Your lightbody, a field of light that exists around every living thing, has been with you forever and is just waiting for YOU to remember. It will feel so familiar to you as you reconnect with this part of yourself.
Our lightbodies are upgrading during this passage and learning how to work with them will be one of the keys to "being" and thriving in the new earth/timeline energies.


So if this passage and this gathering is calling your soul please do join us … a beautiful aligned group is forming already. 

The series price is $111US (there’s a payment plan too).
This price also includes 3 free months membership to "Inner Light Circle" which will begin in September (this is a monthly online meditation circle … and more. Information coming soon).

You'll also receive a powerful bonus meditation. The "Bliss Bath" (aptly named) is waiting for you in the online area. This meditation will help you align with the shifting earth energies (including those Schumann spikes we've been experiencing over the past few days).


If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Living Light - The August Gateways

That Bliss Bath Sounds Great - Sign Me Up

Session Dates and Times

SESSION 1: The Lion's Gate Peak and Eclipse #1
Tuesday August 8th 9am Singapore Time
Tuesday August 8th 11 am Sydney/Melbourne
Monday August 7th 8pm Eastern Time
Monday August 7th 5pm Pacific Time

SESSION 2: Here Comes Mercury Retrograde
Tuesday August 15th 9am Singapore Time
Tuesday August 15th 11 am Sydney/Melbourne
Monday August 14th 8pm Eastern Time
Monday August 14th 5pm Pacific Time

SESSION 3: Eclipse #2 (The Biggie)
Tuesday August 22nd 9am Singapore Time
Tuesday August 22nd 11 am Sydney/Melbourne
Monday August 21st 8pm Eastern Time
Monday August 21st 5pm Pacific Time

Plus at least One Bonus Call in European Timezones.

About Me

I’m an Intuitive Healer,  Teacher, Divine Energy Channel and Author … and also the creator of the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” Daily Intention Project.

I came to my spiritual path through a high anxiety condition many years ago. This difficult period in my life led me to meditation (thank goodness) and later to the realization that I am an Empath.  

After years of spiritual work this empathic ability now helps me to channel and hold very high frequencies for healing and activation.

Part of my mission is to find and connect with resonant souls as we have agreed to meet and assist each other at this time. We all hold pieces of the puzzle and together are so supremely powerful.

I’m blessed to be divinely guided on my path and my greatest wish is for you to have access to your own guidance and knowledge of your own purpose.

The focus my work is to share tools and methods that I KNOW work because of personal experience. I am passionate about sharing the practices and teachings that have helped me on my own journey.,  I also work with the earth energies and have been guided to work with many ancient sites, portals and leylines. Sacred journeys with me to Peru, France and UK are coming soon.

Please get in touch if you have any questions …

Much love to you

Julie Ann ([email protected])


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