Abundant Alignment

with Julie Ann

If not Now then When?


It's pretty clear that some huge shifts are happening in the world around us at this time of great Awakening.


 You have a major part to play in this transformation and if you're reading this you're being called to your higher purpose at this time.
This is actually the path that will bring you the most joy, meaning and fulfilment as you move forward.
The way to get there is to tune in to your personal guidance system and follow the calling of your own heart and soul. 
It all begins with your personal "Alignment".
Right now we are moving through energies designed to support your heart-led journey and I'm sure you'll want to make the most of them.
These very same energies can make life difficult when we are NOT aligned with our destiny, and things get more intense the longer we leave it. If you've been feeling more anxious, unsure, confused or sad than usual this could be why.
So I've put together this simple but powerful, tested, proven and much loved Alignment Process for you. Especially designed for this time of Ascension into higher frequencies.
You'll begin to feel more peaceful and joyful within a day or two ... and by the end of 21 days you'll notice a definite shift in your intuition, energy and more confidence in your ability to manifest your dreams.
If you can put aside 20-30 minutes a day and have access to a digital device YOU can do this. 
You might feel a  "YES" or even sense some goosebumps ... that's your soul nudging you forward.
If not Now, then When ?


It's Your Time

Your gifts are needed

 What might appear to be standing in your way of your ability to hear your guidance - to listen to your heart - is what is happening in the world around you. The global situation, people, news, information overload, planetary alignments and solar influxes that have an affect on your emotional, physical and energetic being.
You're not alone.
 But there's a proven solution that will help lead you out of the overwhelm
and back into the sanctuary of your heart's knowing....


It begins with a simple but powerful daily practice designed to bring you into personal ALIGNMENT.
This is the key to everything. 
Your personal ALIGNMENT will determine your experience moving forward. 
Your ALIGNMENT will carry you into the flow - so you are riding the waves of change rather than being "knocked over" by them.
Your ALIGNMENT brings a connection with your personal soul path, an opening to your guidance and an increase in your manifesting power.
A consistent daily practice is the best  (make that only) way I know to achieve this and it's available to us all.

It doesn't have to be complicated, it's simply about creating some new patterns and pathways that connect you with the frequency of your soul.
The meditations, guided journeys and processes provided are designed for these high frequency times and will help you shift (even if you think you can't meditate or have tried a meditation practice before). There's also lots of variety to keep you interested and engaged.
there's group support to keep you on track so you'll feel more motivated to keep going for 21 new-habit-forming days (you'll feel great much quicker than that trust me).
"Having participated in Julie Ann’s “Abundant Alignment” online course twice, I attest to her thorough and sensitive writing skills that encouraged me to meditate, set intentions and journalize my experience.
She was with me every step of the way ...
The gentle power of Julie Ann’s voice has guided me through these daily meditations so that when I am finished, I can start my day with joy, compassion and gratitude..."
~ Laara Williamsen, Canada
Just click below to get started.


Ready for Abundant Alignment ?

It's time to feel more joy more often !

 A daily Alignment Practice is even more important for you if you're sensitive, empathic or feeling unsettled/unclear/anxious about the future.

It's that puzzle piece you've been searching for.



You'll also want to experience Abundant Alignment if you're:
Ready to feel good more often
Tired of the rollercoaster
Wanting a deeper connection with your own guidance
Looking for ways to come into alignment with more ease
Finding that your old ways of coming back into balance don’t work so well any more in these new energies
Feeling Overwhelm
Someone who believes they can’t meditate but knows it would be a really good thing to do …. :)
Wanting to get back into a regular practice
Open to feeling more joy, bliss and lightness
Curious to learn more about energy, law of attraction, and this ascension process we are undertaking

Feeling the call to learn more about your purpose, and live with more meaning.
It's time to move out of anxiety and suffering,
align with your most heartfelt dreams
anchor into your highest path and calling.

 The Process

Alignment is a "practice" and so you'll be making a commitment to show up for that practice for 21 days ... beginning whenever you sign up.
Your base practice will consist of a daily meditation (beautiful pre-recorded energy-coded guided meditation journeys are provided) AND a focus on gratitude. You’ll need to allow around 20-40 minutes a day in total for 21 days - the good news is the benefits are infinite :).
The processes are suitable for everyone - no previous experience required.
You’ll also receive a daily inspirational email filled with great information, tips, tools, reminders ... and love.
We'll be covering topics as diverse as Appreciation, Allowing, Acceptance, Attraction, Abundance ... and Ascension.
Here's what participants of the 21 day process are saying ...
"Feeling so much appreciation and abundance. I am just loving the daily emails."
"Alignment certainly attracts more and more to simply appreciate more and more. I feel truly blessed from this past 21 days, it has all been amazing. So much growth and expansion"
"I felt significant changes with the momentum of the 21 days, and know that how I felt and managed to deal with some of the life situations during that period and after were a direct result of my alignment. Magical and profound."
"I can't give this up. After 21/22 days this has now become my new habit!! I'm so full of gratitude to Julie and everyone who shared this alignment journey."
"I am very excited ... and can’t wait to get my groove back on... . So very much looking forward to the group connection and commitment as it brings so much to my practice."

The Power of the Group

Sometimes we forget how GOOD it feels when we are aligned, and it's good to have the reminders and some support. So even though this is a personal practice it can be so much easier to stay the course when you're on the journey with others. 
I know it helps me !!
So as well as your daily emails, you'll have the option be connected with others on the Abundant Alignment journey in our supportive and heart-centred private facebook group. 
There's also an accountability process where you can keep track of your progress and be cheered on by the group and me.
We're there and ready for you now ... what are you waiting for ?
When soul group gathers with focus we create a powerful space where we all get uplifted.
Let the magic begin !


Abundant Alignment

Are You In ?

Abundance Exchange

Abundant Alignment is Abundantly Affordable at the introductory price of just $33 US.
Your meditations are waiting for you now in our online area - why not get started today ?
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]
I so hope you'll join us and make the most of this unprecedented time on our planet.

Abundant Alignment

I'm Ready for more Joy, Love, Peace and Abundance

About Julie Ann

I’m an Intuitive Healer, Teacher, Divine Energy Channel and Author … and also the creator of the  "If You are Looking for a Sign this is IT" and the “Seeing 11:11 – A Global Vision” Daily Intention Project" communities.

I came to my spiritual path through a high anxiety condition many years ago. This difficult period in my life led me to meditation (thank goodness) and later to the realization that I am an Empath.  

After years of spiritual work this empathic ability now helps me to channel and hold very high frequencies for healing and activation. You'll experience those in the Abundant Alignment meditations.

I believe a daily practice of connection is so very important (and the best way to thrive in these changing times), so I am thrilled to offer this simple but powerful Abundant Alignment process to you.

I'm passionate about sharing the evolving practices and teachings that have helped me on my own journey. 


You might also be interested in working with me 1:1. Among other things I offer coaching packages for healers, teachers, lightworkers and empaths.

I also work with the earth energies and have been guided to work with many ancient sites, portals and leylines. This photo is from a group Sacred Journey to Peru/Bolivia. France (Magdalene Lineage) and UK are coming soon.

Please get in touch if you have any questions … and make sure to join my mailing list at www.julieann.co.

Much love to you

Julie Ann ([email protected])


50% Complete

Two Step

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