Alignment 11:11
This coming November is certainly "next level" in terms of the Energies, Astrology, Numerology ... and World Events.
The "11" month is ushering in a time of prophecy and a New Earth Cycle as transformational Pluto shifts into (the age of) AQUARIUS for the coming decades.
It's all about NEW Beginnings ... so let's harness that momentum and Align with the rapidly Ascending Timeline.
The cosmic events we've already moved through in 2024 have set the scene for this potent 11:11 Gateway Month.
Are you ready to make the most of it ?
A couple of times a year (as you may know) I run a live version of my proven Alignment process. What's different about this process is that you'll learn a lot about what is really happening on our ascending planet right now ... as you experience beautiful shifts and powerful AHAs in your own life.
If you've been wanting to start, restart or uplevel
a daily alignment/meditation/manifestation practice
that is designed for these changing times
then Alignment 11:11 is for you.
As well as quickly shifting into (and maintaining) a higher state of being during the month-long journey ... each day you'll be deepening your knowledge about a specific topic related to this Ascension process.
You'll receive daily email that is written in realtime ... so you get to track what's happening energetically while experiencing your own evolution via our meditations and processes.
Satisfaction for both the left brain ... and your spiritual self.
This course is designed for these changing times ... and with your own rhythm and flow in mind. Everything is provided for you ... you just need around 20 minutes a day (in your own timing) ... to create a shift into more Joy, Peace ... and Bliss.
I'll tell you more about the energies of November ... and about Alignment 11:11 ... below ... but if you already know you're in you can register here:
More About Alignment 11:11
November is always such a powerful month ... and I'm sure this year you'll agree it's all feeling "next level".
We've been connecting for an Alignment 11:11 journey most Novembers for the past few years but this one is different.
With the Sun now officially in "Solar Maximum" we can expect a light filled adventure ... and lots of exciting moments along the way.
The 11 is a number code that catches our imagination.
The number of Illumination, Light, Awakening ... and importantly of Higher Vision.
Maybe you and I first connected via the Seeing 11:11 Facebook Community.
This information/code has been a huge part of my own journey for decades and so this particular series feels like a profound moment in many ways.
11 creates a portal for us to enter ...
1 1
... and enter we shall on November 1st .. a 111 date and also an 11 Master Day:
1+1+1+2+0+2+4 = 11
The 1st also coincides with a New Moon in Scorpio ... You Really Can't Make this Stuff Up !!
On our month-long journey we'll navigate the 11/11 Portal together ... and witness the huge shift of Pluto into Aquarius (where it will stay for 20+ years).
There's so much more ... and we'll take each day as it comes.
Throughout the month of November I'll be sending your emails in realtime - so we'll be on our voyage of discovery together.
And we'll be covering all kinds of topics including some Big Picture Ascension info. We'll cover themes as diverse as Alignment, Meditation, Gratitude, this Solar Maximum, The Golden Age of Aquarius, The Schumann Resonance, Astrology, Numerology, the Law of Attraction ... and so much more.
At the same time we'll be ALIGNING each day with some fabulous meditations and simple but powerful processes.
We'll be supported by the Numerology, Astrology and Cosmology of the month.
And we'll get to meet LIVE on some important dates.
All the while there's support from our resonant crew of fellow adventurers too ... in our optional facebook/whatsapp groups.
What You'll Receive
The minute you sign up you'll gain access to some meditations in our private online area ... so you can get started immediately.
Then from November 1st onwards you'll be receiving a daily email message from me ... all about the energies of the day (and a theme to focus on).
You get to do your daily alignment process in your own time ... and if you wish to check in with the group to stay on track you can join our facebook or whatsapp communities.
We also have some LIVE zoom sessions for the beginning of the month ... and for the 11/11 Portal in both timezones.
One very special bonus this time is a LIVE 11/11 Meditation and Sound session where I'll be collaborating with the very gifted Elaine Victoria Yang and her family of Crystal Bowls and Chimes (all Live Sessions are recorded for you too).
Feeling the Call ?
If you have any questions please contact me or you can register here by clicking on the links:
If you'd like to add a 90 minute personal Session
Please click here:
What People are Saying
Here's what previous participants of the Alignment process are saying ...
"Feeling so much appreciation and abundance. I am just loving the daily emails."
"Alignment certainly attracts more and more to simply appreciate more and more. I feel truly blessed from this past xx days, it has all been amazing. So much growth and expansion"
"I felt significant changes with the momentum of the xx days, and know that how I felt and managed to deal with some of the life situations during that period and after were a direct result of my alignment. Magical and profound."
"I can't give this up ... this has now become my new habit!! I'm so full of gratitude to Julie and everyone who shared this alignment journey."
"I am very excited ... and can’t wait to get my groove back on... . So very much looking forward to the group connection and commitment as it brings so much to my practice."
"The gentle power of Julie Ann’s voice has guided me through these daily meditations so that when I am finished, I can start my day with joy, compassion and gratitude... "
"I highly recommend Julie Ann’s courses and meditations for those who seek to improve or find their spiritual fullness. She is a compassionate spiritual leader and in my opinion a true messenger of Divine Love and Light...."
Don't miss my Updates
Many of my updates are via email only so make sure you're on "the list". As well as planetary/energy information I offer lots of free meditations via the newsletters. In fact you'll get one when you sign up now :)